name: Deploy Book on: push: permissions: contents: read pages: write id-token: write jobs: deploy-unstable: name: Deploy runs-on: ubuntu-latest if: github.repository == 'zhaofengli/attic' steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.7 - uses: DeterminateSystems/nix-installer-action@v14 continue-on-error: true # Self-hosted runners already have Nix installed - name: Install Attic run: ./.github/ - name: Configure Attic run: | export PATH=$HOME/.nix-profile/bin:$PATH # FIXME attic login staging "$ATTIC_TOKEN" attic use attic-ci env: ATTIC_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.ATTIC_TOKEN }} - name: Build book run: nix build .#book -L - name: Copy book artifact run: | cp --recursive --dereference --no-preserve=mode,ownership result public - name: Upload book artifact uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v3.0.1 with: path: public - name: Deploy book uses: actions/deploy-pages@v4.0.5 # TODO: Just take a diff of the list of store paths, also abstract all of this out - name: Push build artifacts run: | export PATH=$HOME/.nix-profile/bin:$PATH # FIXME if [ -n "$ATTIC_TOKEN" ]; then nix build .#book --no-link --print-out-paths -L | \ xargs attic push attic-ci fi env: ATTIC_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.ATTIC_TOKEN }}